• Classroom
  • Anywhere

Purpose: Work with parents/caregivers and the teacher to plan Oceans 411 activities which are volunteer-led in and out of the classroom, including a Beach Day.

Commitment: A monthly evening meeting starting December and classroom support in April and May.

Other Considerations: It can be confusing at first what Oceans 411 is. The easiest way to imagine it is that for one week, our school becomes the theme for that year. Examples are Deep Seas, Polar Seas and Prehistoric Seas. The students will go from classroom to classroom/exhibit to exhibit throughout the week. There is also a kick off cafe in March that usually entails games, activities, crafts, and snacks that revolve around the theme. After cafe week, planning is more localized geared toward the classroom/exhibit sessions during Oceans 411 week in May. It can be intimidating as coordinator, but it’s a great program that’s been in action for 30+ years and we have many resources in place. When all is said and done, it’s super fulfilling to see all your efforts be enjoyed by all.


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