• Classroom
  • Anywhere

Purpose: Oversee the weekly rotation of the books for the students to take home. Communicate between the families and the kindergarten teacher of any reminders or missing bags/items.

Commitment: Typically, book bags are prepped to be sent to the students’ homes on specific day of the week. Weekly reminders are sent to remind families to return the book bags to school with their students. It typically takes about one hour to check to see which book bags had been returned and which were missing, and to set up the next rotation of bags. More hours were logged in if a new set of book bag tags were needed, replacing a missing journal, or just depending what was needed. Flexibility is key for this job.

Other Considerations: It’s helpful to communicate with the teacher as to when book bags would not be sent home (i.e. school breaks or holidays), and with the front office and janitorial staff if you need to get into the building when the front door is locked. Within 24 hours of prepping the book bag rotation, send a follow-up email to the families of students who didn’t return their book bags and to the kindergarten teacher. It’s best to use templates for each topic (1st reminder, 2nd reminder, and missing items). Things were communicated with the teacher as well if other things needed replacing (tags for the entire class). Sometimes knowing that things may not always work out as you had hoped but if there are backup plans or substitutions to be made, it mostly works out.


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