• Schoolwide
  • Anywhere

Purpose: Maintain an organized prop room.

Prerequisite: Strong organizational skills

Job Responsibilities:
* Once a month: Check that the Prop Room is in order – that all items are in their place. Label areas as needed.
* At the beginning of the year: Let teachers know they need to contact you when they need props/costumes. Ask teachers to assign a parent to oversee the props and costumes for their event and to give you their name and phone number. You will show that person where things are kept. They will be responsible to borrow and return items to their place in the Prop Room.
* Work with the office if you want to make any changes in the Prop Room. Purge damaged items that cannot be fixed. You may request extra hours as needed for specific projects.
* Post your name/phone number/email on the Prop Room door.

Financial Responsibility: None

Hours recording procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.

Hours earned: 15 Reports to: Executive Board

Selection Process: Elected by General Membership

Term: August to June

Revised 4/24

Categories: Uncategorized

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