• Schoolwide
  • Anywhere

Purpose: Representatives serve as voting members on the PTO Executive Board, representing specific grade levels and classes. These representatives will also oversee PTO job holders to ensure they have what they need to successfully do their jobs.

Prerequisite/Requirements: Candidates should be willing to learn about PTO policies and procedures in depth, using the PTO Handbook and asking questions of the PTO president and vice-presidents as necessary.
Candidates should have good communication skills.
Candidates need to become involved in the school and be available to communicate regularly with PTO members.

Job Responsibilities
* Field questions and concerns from PTO general members.
* Assist parents with concerns. As necessary, bring these concerns to an Executive Board meeting or direct the parent to speak with the principal, ombud, or teacher.
* Attend monthly Executive Board meetings and participate as a voting member. Representatives must maintain a high level of confidentiality and stay non-judgmental.
* Communicate among teacher and/or ombuds and Executive Board regarding parent volunteer hours. Assist with distributing and obtaining information to/from families regarding their level of volunteer hours.
* Communicate monthly with the ombuds of the classes you represent to inform them of any Executive Board actions.
* Keep yourself informed of any issues at school so you can address them as necessary with ombuds and/or parents.
* Attend organizational meeting in August with all Parent Representatives, Ombuds, Field Trip Coordinators (coordinated by the Vice President) to build relationships and improve communications.
* Plan 2-3 community building events for respective grade levels each year.
* Assist Ombuds in organizing monthly staff luncheons.
* Sign up for and attend 1 or 2 Pacifica School District School Board meetings and report back to the PTO Executive Board.
* Participate in the annual process of review/update of PTO Handbook.
* Actively participate in communicating on digital platforms working with the Vice President – Marketing Communications..

K-2 Representatives
* Plan and coordinate parent orientation for new parents to occur on the first day of school. Optional: Coordinate other first-day-of-school activities such as a photo booth or parent-buddy program.
* Coordinate (or delegate) the creation of buddy families. Provide the buddy families with a job description and checklist of items to review with the new family. Assign buddies to new members; coordinate with Ombuds as needed to do this. New families include our incoming Kinder families and 6th Grade families each fall and any additional families transferring into the program throughout the school year.
* Recruit Mentor/Buddy families; Send around a sign up at the May General Meeting for next year’s buddies.
* Coordinate first day school “Coffee Social” for all new and Buddy families (this includes shopping, set up MPR, clean up, introductions and answering questions).
* Email buddy families and new families over summer providing information meet and greets and linking new family with buddy family by or just over start of school.

3-5 Grade Representatives
* Represent Ocean Shore School PTO at PSD Parent Council meetings where all schools are represented
* Attends all meetings of PSD Parent Council. The meetings are 1-3 times per year as decided by the superintendent.
* Communicates Ocean Shore School needs and concerns to Parent Council as applicable and informed Executive Board of Parent Council activities and concerns
* Attends LCAP steering committee review/stakeholders meeting and updates PTO.
* Responsible for all activities surrounding Ocean Shore School’s participation in the Elna Flynn award, including facilitating school nomination, participation in Tribune article, and presentation of award as well as organizing school’s participation in award dinner.
* Be 1 of 3 members of School Site Council
* Coordinate with Student Council and Student Council teacher lead

6-8 Grade Representatives
* Coordinate or delegate ownership of the following middle school activities: Middle school fundraising including, but not limited to, family donations, end of year picnic food and beverage, snack/food sales, popcorn window, coffee cart
8th grade graduation

Oversee (monitor and advise) PTO job holders. See following list.
K-2 Representatives
Kitchen & Science Room Monitor
Psychomotor Coordinator

3-5 Representatives
Junior Olympics Coach
Parent Training Coordinator

6-8 Grade Representatives
Spirit Wear Coordinator

Financial Responsibility: none

Hours Recording Procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.

Hours: 45

Selection Process: Elected by General Membership

Reports to: Vice President

Candidates: Sign up for a grade level grouping in which you will have a student. You may sign up for more than one grade level, however, you can only serve in one Representative position. If you are elected to more than one position, you may accept only one of them, and the person with the next highest number of votes within the grade level grouping(s) for the position(s) that you are forfeiting will be awarded that position.

Revised 4/24

Categories: Uncategorized

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