• Schoolwide
  • Anywhere

Purpose: The treasurer of the Ocean Shore School Parent-Teacher Organization is the chief
financial officer of the organization and is responsible for all fiscal matters.

Prerequisite/Requirement: Some accounting experience recommended.

Job Responsibilities
* Accept and account for all income. This should be accompanied by a written account from any person who actually collects the funds and, if possible, names of donors and amounts. One copy returned to the fundraiser and the original kept with the Treasurer.
* Secure all cash, checks, and other valuables in a safe manner to prevent any losses and deposits promptly.
* Chair a committee which proposes budget and savings plans.
* Collect on bad checks, making an attempt to collect from the offending party both the amount of the check and charges imposed by the financial institution, if any. If the bad check is not made good within 30 days the matter should be brought before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
* Maintain savings, checking, and investment accounts. Obtain signatures from the principal officers so as to have at least two signatures on withdrawals.
* Disperses funds (by check only) upon appropriate written requests by those persons responsible for the individual account from which the funds are to be written.
* Maintain appropriate books and registers. Maintain a logical system of supporting chits, canceled checks, etc.
* File income tax in a timely fashion.
* Make regular reports to the monthly Executive Board and General Meetings.
* Prepare annual income statement (final budget) at end of fiscal year (June 30).
* File Federal Form 990.
* File State Charitable Trust Forms.
* Contact auditor (if available) at close of books, June 30th, to review yearly books.
* Provide oversight of all in-kind and monetary direct donations from small businesses and corporate donors. Will establish and help maintain relationships that will benefit the school.

Financial Responsibility: Acts as the financial officer for PTO

Hours recording procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.

Hours earned: Full Commitment Reports to: Executive Board

Selection Process: Elected by General Membership

Term: July 1 to July 31 of the following year

Revised 4/24

Categories: Uncategorized

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