• Classroom
  • Anywhere

Purpose: The job of Garden/Science Coordinator centers around coordinating and scheduling science or curriculum activities in the greenhouse garden area such as class projects, theme days, mini electives, and science experiments, as well as after-school and weekend projects.

Record keeping:
* Coordinate with Classroom Teacher about Garden/Science projects expenditures of over $10.
* Coordinate with Classroom parents about materials needs for activities.
* Compile a yearly list of the Garden/Science activities and file in the School Garden/Science Binder.
* Give a copy of the list to the incoming Garden/Science Coordinator

* Attend monthly classroom planning meetings.
* Meet with teacher to determine needs for Garden/Science activities. Notify parents of these needs.
* Coordinate with the ombuds to ensure that all Garden/Science activities are included on the monthly class calendar.
* Coordinate with Environmental Action Team regarding class activities.
* Keep teacher informed of project details, i.e., the subject, time, and date, number of children, special requirements, etc.

* Recruit volunteers to do projects as needed.
* Provide Garden/Science project ideas as needed.
* Organize logistics and materials for an activity every 8 weeks.
* Encourage projects that complement curriculum themes and units.
* Meet with the vice president for orientation.

Financial Responsibility: Coordination with teacher regarding budget for Garden/Science projects.

Hours Recording Procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.

Hours: 25 Reports to: Class Ombudsman

Selection Process: Elected by class membership

Term: August to June

Revised 5/23


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