• Schoolwide
  • Remote

Purpose: To record and maintain a record of the PTO Executive Board meetings and General Meetings

Prerequisite/Requirement: Ability to organize verbal information into written form.
Communicate well with others. Must be able to attend evening meetings. Typing skills are helpful.

Job Responsibilities
* Work with the President to create an agenda for executive board meetings.
* Attend all board and general meetings; take attendance and keep attendance lists until the end of the year; take appropriate minutes of all such meetings and disseminate as appropriate.
* Assist PTO President with running virtual and/or hybrid PTO executive and PTO General meetings as needed.
* Send draft minutes to executive board members for review one week before monthly PTO meetings.
* Send approved minutes from Executive Board meetings to OSS Webmaster for upload to OSSPTO website. Upload minutes and agendas to PTO website.
* Aid in the assembly of the welcome packet for families at the start of the school year.

Financial Responsibility: None

Hours recording procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.

Hours earned: 40 Reports to: Executive Board

Selection Process: Elected by General Membership

Term: August to June

Revised 4/24

Categories: Uncategorized

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