Don’t be an Absentee Participant and Elect to Read!

During the October Read-a-Thon, students are encouraged to read as much as possible to foster their love of reading while raising critical funds for our school. It’s simple – students keep track of minutes they read throughout the month while collecting donations from family and friends to support their efforts. The goal is for each student to read at least 20 minutes every day and try to raise at least $75 each. But, no fundraising is required to participate – there are prizes just for reading!
Any time you spend reading counts. All reading counts. This includes being read to, reading to others, reading independently and audio books!
View Read-a-thon Fundraising Page to Check Progress to Goal and Top Classes
How do I set-up my student pledge page?
- Go to:
- Enter student first name and last initial, contact email, and choose teacher
- Click “add”
- The page is created automatically and you are ready to go!
How do I set-up my Reading Log for final submission?
At the end of October/early November:
- Visit the Reading Log Form.
- Enter your email, student name, and select their teacher
- Enter total number of minutes for the month
- Click “Submit”
- Final Reading Log must be submitted on or before November 5, 2024 to be eligible for prizes
How do I collect donations?
Each student will set-up an individual pledge page which can be sent to family and friends to support their efforts. We encourage students to utilize the online pledge page to collect donations whenever possible.
Are donations per minute or a flat amount?
Donations will be a flat amount, not a per minute pledge.
What about cash/checks?
We strongly encourage the use of the online donation pages. However, if you receive cash/check, place it in an envelope clearly labeled “Read-a-Thon” with the student and teacher name. Drop it in the safe at the start of the A wing (Kindergarten). Email the student name and amount to so that the amount can be added to the student’s fundraising total.
Is fundraising required?
No. Fundraising is encouraged, but it is not required to participate.
What is the final date to submit my Reading Log and donations?
To qualify for prizes, the Reading Log and donations must be submitted by November 5, 2024.
What about the prizes?!
Prizes for October 2024:
Reading Prizes
- Turn in Reading Log
- OSS Read-a-Thon Sticker
- Top Two Readers in K-2, 3-5, 6-8
- OSS Top Reader T-shirt and cookies delivered by Principal Tony
Fundraising Prizes
- Drawing for GoPro
- Earn 1 entry for every $75 raised
- Drawing for Kindle
- Earn 1 entry for every 100 minutes read
- Top 10 Fundraisers Overall: (pick one)
- Wednesday Popcorn for the Year
- OSS T-Shirt
- Wristband for OSS Spring Fest Unlimited Bounce Houses
- $25 Florey’s Books Gift Card
- One Large Pizza Delivered at Lunchtime (to share or not)
- Starbucks Venti-Size Drink Delivered by Teacher/Staff
- DJ Jason plays Your Song Requests at Friday recess
Class Prizes
- Top Fundraising Class – Patty’s Cup!
- Patty’s Cup Trophy
- Class Pizza Party
- Meet class goal (K-3: $1,800, 4-8: $2,200)
- Extra 20 minutes of recess
Are donations to Read-a-Thon tax deductible?
Yes! A receipt will be sent to each donor automatically when donating online and will contain the TAX ID#. Teachers will have paper receipts should they be necessary for cash or check donations.
What is the Ocean Shore School PTO Tax ID?
Ocean Shore School PTO is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Federal Tax ID #23-7417946.