Purpose: Shared Position – Serve as the Ocean Shore Representative to the Pacifica School District SEPAC. Act as a Resource to all parents receiving special education services and any parents who might need services for their student.
SEPAC Mission Statement
“The Special Education Parent Advisory Committee strives to support high quality special education programs, serve as a resource to Pacifica families of children with special needs and increase awareness and inclusiveness in the educational environment and beyond.”
Prerequisite/Requirement: Parent of a student receiving Special Education Services. Telephone answering machine or service, and email capability recommended. Should have good communication skills, need to become involved in the school and be available to communicate regularly with PTO members, SDC Staff and District Staff.
Job Responsibilities
* As soon as possible after you are elected, but no later than the first Friday in June, provide the PTO president with the following contact information:
a) Phone number including how late/early people can call
b) Email address (if available), include how often it’s checked (daily, weekly, rarely, etc.)
c) Any other ways of contacting you
d) Which classes and grade levels you represent. This information will be sent out to all families along with the classroom assignments in June.
* Field questions and concerns from PTO members receiving special education services regarding schoolwide activities and how to navigate the Ocean Shore system. Respond to members’ concerns within 2 business days of receipt of message (while school is in session). Act as Resource for questions regarding special education assistance within the community. The SEPAC can be consulted if you are unsure how to answer.
* Maintain regular contact with ombuds of the classes that you represent to keep them informed of Executive Board actions and to keep yourself informed of issues at school.
* Ensure that RSP Teacher receives support and Ombud services.
* Maintain regular contact with the County and District Special Day Class teachers on campus.
* Maintain the “Learning Differences” Bulletin board in the parent hallway. Post upcoming seminars, district information and resource lists.
* Attend monthly Executive Board meetings. Representatives must maintain a high level of confidentiality and stay non-judgmental.
* Attend monthly SEPAC meetings. Report out on the Ocean Shore happenings.
* Assist the Diversity Leadership Group and the SDC teachers with school wide activities. This can include Ability Awareness Day, Special Olympics activities and the SDC Water Program.
* Optional- Attend County Wide SELPA Parent Resource Council training. Meet quarterly throughout the school year.
Financial Responsibility: none
Hours Recording Procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.
Hours: 50 (Shared)
Selection Process: Appointed by the Board with approval from the Principal.
Revised 4/24