• Schoolwide
  • Anywhere

Purpose: To coordinate with teachers and parent volunteers in planning Oceans411 activities and promoting Oceans Week.

Prerequisite/Requirement: organized, good communicator, ability to attend evening meetings, skilled with Google Sheets/Docs

Job Responsibilities
* Coordinate with Oceans411 lead teacher(s) to schedule 6-7 Oceans411 planning meetings with Oceans Community Lead (Sheila) and classroom Oceans411 coordinators.
* Coordinate recruitment of volunteers for Oceans Cafe.
* Help Facilitate Hallway decorating and planning in early May along with Teachers, Art Parents and Oceans 411 Coordinators
* Promote Oceans411 events, activities and spirit wear schoolwide.
* Facilitate communication between the Oceans411 committee, classroom volunteers, and parents regarding Oceans411 activities.

Financial Responsibility: none

Hours recording procedure: Hours are to be entered by the job holder on a digital hours-recording platform provided by the PTO.

Hours earned: 30 hours

Reports to: Vice President

Selection Process: Appointment – This position will be filled by the PTO Executive Board. Please sign up if you would like to be considered for it. You may be asked to submit a written statement outlining your qualifications. You may submit your name to the PTO President or sign up at any time until the close of the election.

Term: July 1 to June 30

New 4/24

Categories: Uncategorized

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